
Bonnie Bernardi Legacy Circle
Anonymous (3)
Bonnie Bernardi*
Charman Fund for Arts Council Santa Cruz County
Carolyn and Curt Coleman
Terry Green
Liz Lyons Friedman*
Amy and David Harrington
Linda Levy
Andrea London
Rowland and Pat Rebele
Mark Sachau
Priscilla Shaw*
Lana K. Weeks*
Deanna Zachary
Vanguard ($25,000+)
California Arts Council
City of Santa Cruz
Community Foundation Santa Cruz County
County of Santa Cruz
The David & Lucile Packard Foundation
The Joseph and Vera Long Foundation
Monterey Peninsula Foundation, host of the AT&T Pebble Beach Pro-Am and PURE Insurance Championship Impacting the First Tee
National Endowment for the Arts
Santa Fe Community Foundation
The William & Flora Hewlett Foundation
Benefactor ($10,000 – $24,999)
Kerry Veenstra
The Menard Family Foundation
The Sato Foundation
Volunteer Center of Santa Cruz County
Champion ($5,000-$9,999)
Bank of America Charitable Fund
City of Watsonville
Ko-Kahuna Trust
The Nicholson Family Foundation
Rebecca Nolan
Ann Ostermann and Isaiah Williams
Santa Cruz County Bank
Bob and Carol Simpkins
Bessie Vizzusi Family Fund, Peter and Melanie Vizzusi
Pajaro Valley Unified School District
Partner ($2,500-$4,999)
Anonymous Donor (2)
Judy and Geoffrey Alexander
Amy Ensign-Barstow Memorial Fund at East Bay Community Foundation
Jim Brown
City of Capitola
Jennifer Cherk
Ron Cook and Stella Sexmith in Memory of James Aschbacher
John Crawford, Crawford Antiques
George Newell
Nonprofits Insurance Alliance of California
Carl Rom
Santa Cruz Community Credit Union
Judy Stabile
TD Ameritrade Clearing
Leader ($1,000-$2,499)
Anonymous Donor (2)
Jon and Carolyn Auman
The Linda Charman Fund for Arts Council Santa Cruz County
Angela Chesnut
Sandra Chung
Mary and Bill Comfort
The Freny Cooper Fund at Community Foundation Santa Cruz County
Peggy Flynn
Liz Lyons Friedman
John Gavrilis
Robert Goff and Eleanor Littman
Linda Levy and Stephen King
Robert Korns
Patricia Lezin
Colleen Martin-Garcia
Bertie and Mike McElroy
Debra Miller
Muffie and Les Miller
Bruce and Linda Nicholson
Ed Penniman
Dolores Saluppo
Scharf Investments, LLC
Silicon Valley Community Foundation
Charles Singer and Mark Shute
Spring Fund
The Stocker Family Fund at Community Foundation Santa Cruz County
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Ginger and Jim Tolonen
Rachel Wedeen
Peter Weng
Advocate ($500-$999)
Marty Ackerman
Debra Alexander and Al Morgan
Harry and Mary Blanchard
Laurie Brooks
Julia Chiapella and Eric Zigman
Diane Craddock and David Hogye
Kathleen Crocetti
Jacqueline Davidow
Barbara M. Davis
Lee and Emily Duffus
Finkelman Family Charitable Foundation
Marie Gabrielle
The Terry Karima Fund at Community Foundation Santa Cruz County
John Jack
Anna Kammer and Dan Fallorina
Bill and Jasmine Kennann
Nina Koocher and Bernard Elbaum
Gerry Mandel
Peggy Marketello
Nada Milijkovic
Lisa Ortiz in memory of Amy Ettinger
Lee Slaff
Morgan Stanley
Susanna Waddell and Thomas Millman
Pfotenhauer Wilshusen Family
The Ziggy and Jesse Rendler-Bregman Family Fund at Community Foundation Santa Cruz County
Supporter ($250-$499)
Consuelo Alba-Speyer
Julie Almquist
Judy Babcock-Wylie
Jean and Mike Beebe
J.M. Brown and Brian Arao
Jay Capela
Myriam Cohen
Andrea Dana-McCullough and Warren McCullough
Ami Davis
Linda Barsanti Downing and Dwayne Downing
Barbara Downs
Evelyn and Terry Drew
Ana Elizabeth
David Fleming and Jeanne Lance
John Flores
Rebecca Garcia
Suzanne Garcia
Nancy Giberson Ph.D
Beverly Grova
Edina Hajric
Susan Hancey
The Amy and David Harrington Fund at Community Foundation Santa Cruz County
Kathleen and James Hatfield
Simon Hayward
Aaron Johnson
Erik Johnson
Robin Larsen
Verónica León
Cliff Maas
Cynthia Mathews
Heather Mathews
Tim Mathews
Trish Melehan
Jacob and Hila Michaelsen
Alison Miller and Ken Shen
Marlene Mirassou and Steve Houlihan
Patrick and Rose Mulhearn
Mark and Bonnie Overgaard
Gunnar Proppe
Cheryl and Joe Pruss
Victoria Regan
Gretchen Regenhardt
Phyllis Rosenblum
Kathy Runyon
Grace Sanchez and Tom Bush
Alejandro Santana Jr
Barbara and William Scherer
Kurt Smiley
Alex Soto
Dr Rita Urquijo-Ruiz
Ann Wasserman
Eileen White-Holman
Deanna Zachary
Aimee Zygmonski
Member ($100-$249)
Anonymous Donor (3)
Abbey Asher
Susan Archibald
Steven and Bonnie Barisof
Eva Baele Bernstein
Lili and Tom Beggs
Gina Biondi
John Biondi
Andrea Borsuk
Renee Bourdet
Susan Brown
Gail and Michael Burk
Alison Butler
Alena Byrnes
Brian Cayton
Judith Calson
Dan Carrillo
Cheryl and Dennis Caspe
Margaret Castro
Carolyn and Curt Coleman
Karen Diemer
Daryl Dichek and Kenneth Smith
Dorothea Ditchfield
Beth Dyer
Kim and Charles Eadie
Eli and Angela Eisenpress
Janet C. Firth
Peggy Flynn
Larry Friedman and Tom Ellison
Rebecca Garcia
Isobel George
Jennifer and Hugh Grubb
Grace Hammond
Mary Hammond
Hollis Hansen
Penny Hargrove and Dan Friedman
Janet Heldt and Crystal West
Laurie and Dan Hennig
Carol Hill
Nancy Howe
Leslie and Tom Howland
Jennifer Hunter
Ron Indra
Kimberly Jorgensen
Kati Kattanek
Stephen Kessler
Michele and Bob Kibrick
Richard and Diane Klein
Ronnie Lipschutz
Nancy and Rabbi Rick Litvak
Jeanne Lance and David Fleming
Connie and Speed Leas
Shirley Lehner-Rhoades
Robin Lerios
Lance Linares and Laura Sutherland
Joyce and Otto Lund
Judicial Council of California on behalf of Santa Cruz Superior Court
Joyce and Otto Lund
Kent and Rita Norton
Shirley Lehner-Rhoades
Ysselstein Gifting Fund
Donor (Up to $99)
Anonymous (2)
Jamie F. Abbott
Jim Allen-Young
Johnny Amador
Len Anderson
Jeff Arnett
Bruce Ashley
Jody and Stephen Bare
Bonnie and Steven Barisof
Nancy Bavis
Allegra Bick-Maurischat
James Brown
Diane and Richard Beardsley
Sheila Brookes
Nancy Brookie-Connor
Karen Broughton
Nancy Brown
Ruth and Anthony Brown
Karen Card
Will Cassilly and Julie Oak
Margo Chisholm
Joanne Clark
David and Mary Jane Cope
Jessica Cruz
Leslie Davidson
Stephanie Diaz
Jane P. Doyle
Joan and Bill Dunn
Laurie Eagan
Jessica Evanjelista
Ginny Evans
Helen Ewan-Storey
Sandra Farrell
Marigold Fine
Shirley Flores-Munoz
Jenni Fox
Helaine Glick
Isobel George
Eric Gray
Sally Green
Jane Gregorius
Karen Groppi
Susan Haight
Meg and Don Harlor
Helen Harness
Andrea Hart
Ivan Hernandez
Sam and Jo Farb Hernandez
Kathleen Hilger
Christine Hirsch
Rusten Hogness and Donna Haraway
Jeanne Howard
Margot Hoffman
Nancy and Steve Howells
Sally Jorgensen and Tim Isaacs
Caren Kaplan
Kelly Keener
Tom Kennedy
Linda Kishlansky
Lydia Klem
Nancy and John Lingemann
Lance Lubarsky
Stephanie Lujan
Tia Mahannah
Mathew Maldnick
Jackie Marr
Jacob Martinez and Joanne Sanchez
Sharon Maxwell and Linsey Anderson
Tom Mayer
Ron Maysenhalder and Janet Ring
Adriel McCluer
Donna Mekis
Nada Miljkovic
Aimee Moss
Donna Musselman
Afriyanti Neumann
Penney O'Reilly
James Odriozola
Marilyn and Gary Patton
Pamela Peterson
Mindi Pfeifer
Elaine Pinkernell
John Poole
Kathleen Pouls
Madeline Puccioni
Suzy Rad
Rick Ridenour
Rieber, Fohs & Associates
Sandina Robbins
Berta Rodriguez
Susan Rousculp
Dave Rus
Victoria Sanchez
Jeanine Sande and James Callner
Ron Sandidge
Alan Savat in Memory of Gene Smith
Barbara Schatan
Lori Schulman
Ellen C. Scott
Joshua Selvaratnam
Amy Stark and Paul Rodrigues
Therese Stark and Stephen Felder
Colleen and Jeffrey Stobbe
Abigail Stryker
Seana Sullivan
Barbara Thomas
Donna Thompson
Leitha Thrall
Brandon Tinianov
Lynette Todaro
Morgan Taylor
Steve Trujillo
Jane and Dennis Uyematsu
Karen Venegas
Carolina Villarroel
Kerstin Waglé
Nanlouise Wolfe and Stephen Zunes
Nicole Yellin
In-Kind Donors
David Reese Photography
Edward R. Hearn, Esq.
Palace Art & Office Supply
Patrick Reilly
Santa Cruz Mountain Brewing
Tannery Prints